South Korean Science Fiction translated into English

English translations of South Korean Sci-Fi, authored by members of SFWUK

[Ewhan Kim] Your Metamorphosis (너의 변신)

Title : Your Metamorphosis (너의 변신)

Date : 2014.12.1

Author : Ewhan Kim (김이환)

Translator :  Sophie Bowman 

Publisher : Koreana vol. 28, Winter 2014

Original Publisher in Korea : <문학동네> 2010년 겨울호 수록

<제2회 젊은작가상 수상작품집>(2011) 수록

Story : Your Metamorphosis is an extraordinary short story that challenges the boundaries of the bodily. Through his gripping science fiction, author Kim Ewhan places us teetering on the edge of medical speculation, pushing us to consider the corporeal consequences of human identity.  

Review by Mailé Nguyen

LINK : Koreana vol. 28, Winter 2014

etc. 한국국제교류재단 The Korean Foundation