Title : Readymade Bodhisattva (레디메이드 보살)
Date : 2019.2.21.
Author Name (Korean Name) : Story Title (Korean title)
Choi In-hun (최인훈) : Empire Radio, Live Transmission (총독의 소리)
Bok Geo-il (복거일) : Along the Fragments of My Body (내 몸의 파편들이 흩어진 길 따라)
Djuna (듀나) : The Bloody Battle of Broccoli Plain (브로콜리 평원의 혈투)
Jeong Soyeon (정소연) : Cosmic Go (우주류)
Kim Bo-Young (김보영) : Between Zero and One (0과 1 사이)
Kim Changgyu (김창규) : Our Banished World (우리가 추방된 세계)
Kim Jung-hyuk (김중혁) : Where Boats Go (보트가 가는 곳)
Lim Taewoon (임태운) : Storm Between My Teeth (이빨에 낀 돌개바람)
Pak Min-gyu (박민규) : Roadkill (로드킬)
Park Seonghwan (박성환) : Readymade Bodhisattva (레디메이드 보살)
Kim Young-ha (김영하) : Quiz Show (퀴즈 쇼)
Yun I-hyeong (윤이형) : The Sky Walker (스카이 워커)
Sang Joon Park (박상준) : A Brief History of South Korean SF Fandom (한국SF팬덤의 역사 / 에세이)
Mun Yunseong (문윤성) : Perfect Society (완전사회)
Translation : Catherine Jung
Publisher : Kaya Press
Story :
Readymade Bodhisattva: The Kaya Anthology of South Korean Science Fiction presents the first book-length English-language translation of science and speculative fiction from South Korea, bringing together 13 classic and contemporary stories from the 1960s through the 2010s. From the reimagining of an Asimovian robot inside the walls of a Buddhist temple and a postapocalyptic showdown between South and North Korean refugees on a faraway planet to a fictional recollection of a disabled woman's struggle to join an international space mission, these stories showcase the thematic and stylistic versatility of South Korean science-fiction writers in its wide array. At once conversant with the global science-fiction tradition and thick with local historical specificities, their works resonate with other popular cultural products of South Korea―from K-pop and K-drama to videogames, which owe part of their appeal to their pulsating technocultural edge and their ability to play off familiar tropes in unexpected ways.
Coming from a country renowned for its hi-tech industry and ultraspeed broadband yet mired in the unfinished Cold War, South Korean science fiction offers us fresh perspectives on global technoindustrial modernity and its human consequences. The book also features a critical introduction, an essay on SF fandom in South Korea, and contextualizing information and annotations for each story.
LINK : https://kaya.com/books/readymade-bodhisatva-kaya-anthology-south-korean-science-fiction/
Title : Readymade Bodhisattva (레디메이드 보살)
Date : 2019.2.21.
Author Name (Korean Name) : Story Title (Korean title)
Choi In-hun (최인훈) : Empire Radio, Live Transmission (총독의 소리)
Bok Geo-il (복거일) : Along the Fragments of My Body (내 몸의 파편들이 흩어진 길 따라)
Djuna (듀나) : The Bloody Battle of Broccoli Plain (브로콜리 평원의 혈투)
Jeong Soyeon (정소연) : Cosmic Go (우주류)
Kim Bo-Young (김보영) : Between Zero and One (0과 1 사이)
Kim Changgyu (김창규) : Our Banished World (우리가 추방된 세계)
Kim Jung-hyuk (김중혁) : Where Boats Go (보트가 가는 곳)
Lim Taewoon (임태운) : Storm Between My Teeth (이빨에 낀 돌개바람)
Pak Min-gyu (박민규) : Roadkill (로드킬)
Park Seonghwan (박성환) : Readymade Bodhisattva (레디메이드 보살)
Kim Young-ha (김영하) : Quiz Show (퀴즈 쇼)
Yun I-hyeong (윤이형) : The Sky Walker (스카이 워커)
Sang Joon Park (박상준) : A Brief History of South Korean SF Fandom (한국SF팬덤의 역사 / 에세이)
Mun Yunseong (문윤성) : Perfect Society (완전사회)
Translation : Catherine Jung
Publisher : Kaya Press
Story :
Readymade Bodhisattva: The Kaya Anthology of South Korean Science Fiction presents the first book-length English-language translation of science and speculative fiction from South Korea, bringing together 13 classic and contemporary stories from the 1960s through the 2010s. From the reimagining of an Asimovian robot inside the walls of a Buddhist temple and a postapocalyptic showdown between South and North Korean refugees on a faraway planet to a fictional recollection of a disabled woman's struggle to join an international space mission, these stories showcase the thematic and stylistic versatility of South Korean science-fiction writers in its wide array. At once conversant with the global science-fiction tradition and thick with local historical specificities, their works resonate with other popular cultural products of South Korea―from K-pop and K-drama to videogames, which owe part of their appeal to their pulsating technocultural edge and their ability to play off familiar tropes in unexpected ways.
Coming from a country renowned for its hi-tech industry and ultraspeed broadband yet mired in the unfinished Cold War, South Korean science fiction offers us fresh perspectives on global technoindustrial modernity and its human consequences. The book also features a critical introduction, an essay on SF fandom in South Korea, and contextualizing information and annotations for each story.
LINK : https://kaya.com/books/readymade-bodhisatva-kaya-anthology-south-korean-science-fiction/